Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to register at

To access the site properly, viewers must be needed to be registered as a member.
The registration form has appeared with some fields such as On Behalf, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Date Of Birth, Marital Status, Height, Religion, Caste, Mother Tongue, Country, Phone/Email, password, Referral ID (Optional), Photo. By clicking the “
Register” button viewers will accept the terms & conditions of the site.


How to login into the website

Registered members can log in to the site with their provided email & password.

If anyone forgets the password, there is an option for “Forgot Password”.


How to purchase a package by a member?

  1. Login to the Member panel.
  2. Then go to the left navigation bar and click on the Packages > Packages or from the top click on the Premium Plans.
  3. Choose your desired Package and click on the Purchase This Package button.
  4. Select your payment gateway.
  5. If you choose a manual payment method then insert Transaction ID, Payment proof, and Payment details.

Finally, Click on the Confirm Button.


How to deactivate a member account?

  1. Login as a member.
  2. From the member panel go to the left navigation bar and click on the Deactivate Account.
  3. If you really want to deactivate your account then click on the Yes button. Your account will not be visible to other members.
  4. With the same process, you will be able to reactivate your account.


About Me

This is your chance to get deeper and talk about what makes you unique. The best profiles usually have the following info:

  • What you do

  • Where you're from

  • What your interests are

  • What you're looking for in a partner

Keep yourself safe and DO NOT include external links, social accounts or phone numbers.

প্রশ্নঃ কিভাবে প্রফাইল আপডেট করবো?

উত্তরঃ প্রথমে আপনার একাউন্টে লগইন করুন।

=>প্রফাইলে লগইন করার পর, মোবাইল থেকে নিজের দিকে ডানপাশে Account অপশনে যাবেন। 

=>এর পর নিচের দিকে Manage Profile অপশনে যাবেন। 

=> সেখানে প্রতিটি সেকশনে আপনার তথ্য গুলো দিবেন এবং আপডেট বাটানে ক্লিক করবেন।

আপনার প্রফাইলের সে অংশটি আপডেট হয়ে যাবে।


ফ্রী রেজিষ্ট্রেশন লিংকঃ

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